Do graduates think a career in recruitment is of equal value to a sales career? by Andy Heels

By November 9, 2021 News

I have particularly enjoyed placing graduate candidates into trainee recruitment positions this year.


Why you ask ?


When I find a motivated, engaged and driven graduate they amaze me with their new ideas. They impress me with their work ethic and resilience.


In one particular graduate I saw a lot of myself in her. She was driven ,determined and motivated for sales but on this campaign I haven’t had the same success so far .


Due to my overwhelming success in the field I have thrown myself into this. I have reached out to many graduates.


Strangely enough they don’t have the same energy or drive as my star candidate.


I have talked to various graduates who have had sales down as one of their chosen industries. I have suggested recruitment as a career to them. They have surprisingly said no- not recruitment .


This shocks me as sales is such a big part of this job role!


So my questions are-


Do graduates consider recruitment a sales role ?


Do graduates think sales is a relevant and good avenue to go into in 2021 ?


Does anyone consider recruitment a sales role?