Time For A Social Media Spring Clean

Is your Twitter account potty mouthed?  Does your Facebook page show a party animal?  45% of employers admit to checking out social media.  Don’t let your profiles dish the digital dirt on you, it is time for a social media Spring clean to help your job hunting.

We love this infographic from Career Savvy that shows the importance of having a good, professional social media presence.  As a recruitment agency, we are investing a lot in social recruitment for our talent, which means we are more likely than ever to see your profile personas.  We are not alone either, other recruitment agencies and employers themselves are recruiting via social media too, making it even more important to have a good social media presence.

Just by following the tips above to Spring clean your social media profiles can help boost your job chances.  To really shine though, you should share information and an enthusiasm about your job.  This is because employers are asking their employees to embrace social media in a professional capacity too.

So, dust off the digital dirt this Spring and let your profile sparkle to a potential employer!

Social Media Tips

Check out www.careersavvy.co.uk for more job hunting tips.